Chord inversions are different ways of playing the same chord on a different part of the ukulele. Think of them as different voicings.
Here's a great 6+ min. explanation of inversions and the moveable chord shapes which I get into in Uke 202.
The notes in the C chord are: C, E, G
The notes in the D chord are: D, F#, A
The notes in the E chord are: E, G#, B
The notes in the F chord are: F, A, C
The notes in the G chord are: G, B, D
The notes in the A chord are: A, C#, E
The notes in the B chord are: B, D#, F#
Players will often refer to inversions as movable chords. Movable chords are inversions, just using familiar patterns. Here is a great video to demonstrate the movable chord patterns (aka inversions) on the ukulele!
Further Reading