Ukulele Fridays at SLOCA - Student Companion

Dear SLOCA parent,

I am looking forward to the next session of Ukulele Friday with your child this Friday.

I have spent the last several weeks building an original workbook, and I expect to have them back from the printer by our by the fourth class (Feb 9). The cost of the workbook is included in your materials fee paid to SLOCA.

The benefit is that your child will have all 8 weeks of lessons they can revisit as needed and they contain links to online companion lessons to play along. Until the books arrive, I will use handouts as I did previously.

Four levels in eight weeks

Level 1 is basic chords and play-along (weeks 1 & 2). Level 2 will introduce the circle of 5ths, chord inversions, and common chord sequences (weeks 3 & 4). Level 3 will build off levels 1 & 2 and introduces songwriting techniques including chords and melodies (Weeks 5 & 6). Level 4 will cover scales, riffs and melodies (weeks 7 & 8).

Note: In weeks 1 & 2, returning students learn to play the melodies while the first time students focus on learning the melody (for the same songs).

Need a ukulele?

If your son/daughter already has a ukulele, you can disregard this rest of this email.

If you need to purchase a ukulele, I will have them available for purchase Friday. They are $60 each. If they need a digital tuner (recommended), add $20 ($10 for a tuner, $10 for a capo). Please send your child to a school with a check made out to me (Brian Schwartz) for the amount. Or you can meet me after class with payment (I will let them use the ukulele for the duration of class).

Questions, concerns, feedback? Contact me anytime.

My best,
Brian Schwartz